Too many moments of our days are lived as atheists.
I was driving down the freeway yesterday and began rubbing my eye (allergy season!). I lost track of my speed and after about 15 seconds, I realized that I was going too fast. I stepped on the brakes, just in time to have my friend inform me that I was tagged by photo radar for speeding. Immediately, I could feel anger rise up in my heart. "WHY?" I was mad because I didn't intend to speed - where is motive taken into account? I was mad because I didn't want to waste my money on paying for a ticket. I was mad because I did something stupid - and it confronted my very well established image of myself as an intelligent, competent, person who doesn't get tickets.
We read in the Bible that God works all things together for our good, yet we respond with anger when we don't like what's happening to us. Why? We have forgotten God's promises to us in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We redefine reality with an interpretation that leaves out God. We function as if God doesn't exist, or as if He's not good or sovereign or wise or loving.
It's not that we set out to do this - its a part of our indwelling sin. And our daily battle must be to remember God and to BELIEVE His truth and promises instead of our atheistic reinterpretations.
He is good. He is wise. He is loving. He is sovereign. He uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He uses evil for good. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will be with us always to the end of the age. He will give the crown of life to those who have stood the test. His grace is perfected in our weakness. He will give us eternal life with Him forever. He will resurrect our bodies on the last day. He will transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
Not the least of which - speeding tickets.